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Better Now

Credits: Producer, Director, Writer, Editor


Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards: Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Trailer

Los Angeles Movie Awards: Best Actress

Absurd Festival: Best Scifi/Fantasy Short


Short Ends Film Festival: Official Selection

Venice Shorts: Finalist

WINNER - BEST TRAILER2 - Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards - 2021.png
WINNER - BEST PICTURE - Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards - 2021.png
WINNER -  BEST ACTRESS RACHEL ALIG - Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards - 2021.p
WINNER -  BEST ACTOR POURYA RAHBAR - Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards - 2021.p
WINNER - BEST ACTRESS Los Angeles Movie Awards - 2021.png
LAIFF Laurels.png
FINALIST - Venice Shorts - 2021.jpg
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